The Investment of Sleep with Dr. Michael Grandner

Dr. Grandner is the Director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona, Director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinic at the Banner-University Medical Center, and an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Medicine in the UA College of Medicine. He is Certified in Behavioral Sleep Medicine by the American Board of Sleep Medicine and is a Diplomate in Behavioral Sleep Medicine by the Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine. He is on the editorial board of the journal SLEEP and is Associate Editor of the journal Sleep Health. He served on the Mental Health Task Force for the NCAA and works to improve sleep and well-being in student, Olympic, and professional athletes. He has also worked with a number of companies to help develop and refine products and initiatives aimed at improving sleep and health in the population. He is a frequent lecturer on the topic of sleep and health and his work has been featured in many media outlets, resulting in over 1 billion unique impressions across internet, print, television, and radio.

Hello, World!

“sleep is not a thing… it is a word that we all use to describe a set of things that all are happening together.”

The attitude on sleep health in the population is changing - more and more people are going back to basic fundamentals of just being human, between diet, exercise and.. sleep. They want to feel better - and they realize how important it is.

  • It’s not okay as it used to be to not take responsibility of your sleep

  • We’re not at a point anymore where people brag about how little sleep they need
