Hired Off Of Rotations
Basic Common Sense Practices:
Be on time, don't ask to leave early
Be appropriately dressed
Keep white coat clean
Bring gum (for John)
What to do on shift:
Enthusiasm goes a long way
Fake it until you BECOME it: Ted Talk
Take initiative, take procedures seriously
Put on gloves and try and help out
Get involved in cardiac arrests
Story based learning + repetition - "Continued exposure connected to emotional experiences"
Use your phone?? Make sure your preceptor knows you're NOT on facebook (and consider using a tablet)
Know when your preceptor is busy and avoid asking a million questions
"Fade in, Fade out"
Don't be given assignments; give yourself assignments, be a self starter
Independent learning
Look up things in the morning and study; ask for a patient to see
Follow up on things in afternoon
You can get deeply involved in care by working on interpersonal skills - talk to patient
When leaving rotation:
Hand written thank you card
Gifts aren't necessary; we know you don't make money
Want to work with a group?
keep in touch
What not to do
Don't be non-teachable
Overconfident, defensive, etc
Seek feedback and most importantly don't get defensive against feedback
Aggressively seek criticism
This is your time to be wrong; you'll be expected to be right all the time later
Don't talk bad about ANYONE
“Ingenuity”, "Credit Roll", "As I was saying", and "Thinking it over" by Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 / Songs have been cropped in length from original form