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The Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Prevention Promise Package developed in collaboration with Nursing and Physician leaders and Quality and Safety experts has been live as of Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016. Reduction and ultimately prevention of CAUTIs will enable Piedmont Healthcare to achieve its Quality, Safety, and Service goals that are at the core of its strategic vision.

Below we will give you a concise overview of our role in the promise package, but we highly encourage you to go more in depth. We’ve linked all the relevant documents at the end of the page.

your role as an ICU provider

When it comes to placing urinary catheters, there is an algorithm that nurses follow for placement and removal; therefore, a lot of this is done in the front lines and our role is much less than central lines. However, this role we have is just as important - just as we assess labs and physical exam daily, we should assess what lines are necessary in our critically ill patients.

  • Review indwelling urinary catheters daily for appropriateness

  • Support the team in ensuring compliance with Promise Package

  • Validate and verify appropriate ordering of urinalysis with reflex culture

if a patient is admitted with a foley, do we remove it?

Indwelling urinary catheters present on admission are removed unless determined to be inserted by urology or it has an appropriate indication and was inserted at another Piedmont Healthcare facility. The indication for an indwelling urinary catheter is re-assessed for necessity prior to re-insertion and following the inability to void algorithm.

what if a patient straight caths at home?

If patient self-catheterizes at home, then they are to be provided with supplies to continue to do so at the hospital.

You can state “critically ill” as a reason for a foley on epic. What is “critically ill” enough for a foley insertion outside the algorithm?

As defined by the Urinary Catheter Management and Urinary Tract Infection Prevention Policy (PHC-01-000088) policy:

  • Critically ill patients requiring mechanical and/or pharmacological intervention to maintain a normal blood pressure and/or adequate cardiac output (hemodynamic unstable) that -

    • Requires accurate intake & output/continuous monitoring of urinary output

    • Sedation/paralysis/decreased level of consciousness

Inability to void Algorithm


Documents to Review