
Advance Practice Provider fellowship + ONBOARDING PROGRAM

Welcome to Piedmont Physicians Pulmonary and Critical Care APP Fellowship Program homepage. We appreciate your interest in our Pulmonary/Critical Care ICU APP fellowship program.

We are a CCM/Sleep/Pulmonary group located in Georgia that work at multiple hospitals in the Piedmont Healthcare system. We offer a unique and rigorous 12 month APP Fellowship Program with the goal of introducing newly graduated APPs to the critical care setting. As a ICU APP fellow, you will have the opportunity to prove your abilities in the world of critical care while working alongside some of the most prominent critical care providers in the region. Once you graduate you will officially be onboarded to one of our satellite hospitals and work alongside our veteran APPs to provide critical care coverage.

In this program, you will:

  • Practice autonomous, high level decision making at a tertiary hospital with mentorship and feedback from our seasoned providers/interaction between multiple advanced disciplines (transplant, thoracic surgery, cardiovascular surgery)

  • Progress through a structured study schedule with lectures, frequent airway/cardiac arrest/stress simulations with a fully functioning human-like mannequin, and undergo in-depth evaluations

  • Gain competency in a wide variety procedures including central lines, arterial lines, intubation, needle decompression and dialysis catheter placement with the opportunity to learn more if wanted (thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, chest tube insertion, etc)

  • Undergo a series of evaluations throughout each step of the residency process with one-on-one feedback from APP leadership as well as a training structure that is personalized to your weaknesses and strengths


Once fellowship is completed, you have a permanent position as an APP at one of our hospitals - FELLOWS are expected to live in Georgia long term and become an integral part of our team


how to apply

Our program has rolling admission throughout the year. Fill out the form on the bottom of this page.

General Timeline

  • ICU Preceptorship - 2 weeks (8 shifts) with an assigned veteran APP at Piedmont Atlanta with goal of learning standard operating procedures

  • Pulmonary Rotation - 4 weeks (around 16 shifts) with goal of mastering core pulmonary topics, basics of note writing and basics of admitting/discharging

  • Formal ICU Rotation - 8 weeks (around 30 shifts) starting with day shifts and transitioning to nights as you improve

  • Formal Graduation - 3-4 night shifts shadowed by a veteran to demonstrate clinical competency; if approved, you will begin to be scheduled solo shifts at your assigned hospital

  • Mentorship - (6 months post graduation) you will have periodic shifts with veteran APPs to ensure seamless transition to becoming an autonomous provider

Residency Project

In your mentorship phase, you will be required to be involved in one component of the team. Once you finish your mentorship it is an expectation to continue involvement in our group. You can be involved in the following areas:

  • Professional Development:

    • Simulation Lab: become a sim lab leader and host sim labs for the group

    • ICU Unit Education: work on education for RTs, nurses and other APPs at your specific hospital

    • Pulmcast/Multimedia Content Development: develop podcasts, blog posts on topics

    • Difficult Airway Course/FCCS Development: become a lecturer and form ways to improve our courses

  • Leadership

    • Intra-hospital Process Development: work with the leadership team on improving in-hospital processes

    • EPIC Note, Protocol and Orderset Development: work closely with EPIC team leaders on improving our note templates, our order sets

    • Hospital Specific Group Liason: represent our group at a variety of hospital meetings to help improve relationships with other staff


  • Class of 2025:

  • Class of 2024:

    • fee

  • Class of 2023:

  • Class of 2022:



Please fill out this form for more information. Please note, this is not a formal application to apply but instead a form to express interest. We encourage you do this as early as possible as we prefer all applicants come rotate with us during one of their rotations or come shadow us to experience how we work in the ICU.