Pulmcast Quarterly Journal Watch: Q1 2017

Welcome to the our 2nd Pulmcast Quarterly Journal Watch! (Q1 2018). Your source for the latest & most impactful articles, media and #FOAM in Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine. We'll be scouring journals, the web and the wards to bring you the latest and greatest. Check out the links  below!


Must reads:

1. Effect of NIV on readmission for COPD AE

Honorable Mentions:


#FOAM resource:



Must reads:

1. Diagnostic accuracy of POC ultrasound performed by pulm CC physicians for RV assessment in patients with acute... pubmed

2. CHECK-UP position "The bottom line" - in critically ill patients does the ramped position compared to the snigffing

3. Simvastatin for delirium what? MoDUS - the bottom line

4. Reconnect - the bottom line - in Crit ill pts who pass SBT, does 1 hour rest compared with immediate extubation reduce reintubation

Honorable Mentions:


#FOAM resource:


Must reads:


Honorable Mentions:


#FOAM resource:


Must reads:


Honorable Mentions:


#FOAM resource: